Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The Temper Trap: 12.11.10, Tennis Indoor Senayan

This concert was super awesome! I don't know it is just me because i'm kind of a big fan of them or people do agree that Temper Trap at that night has great performance. I came with my friends, Dolly and Novi. I think too many opening guests, Efek Rumah Kaca, Dj Hogi and Dipha, James Yuill, and none of their performance i really enjoy. I was too excited about Temper Trap. But actually, James Yuill  is interesting. With his English Folktronica music, he's so good at playing some instruments such gitar, synthesizer, or electro keyboard meanwhile he keeps singing.
10 pm and here it is The Temper Trap is on the stage! It was "Rest" as the first song if i'm not mistaken. And Dougie is so fantastic in "Drum Song", he played drum with some water effects. He's so lovely also, he always said that he's so proud for being Indonesian and so glad came back here. Well, the last song Science of Fear. Woohoo! I really really love this one, and start sing along.. Brakes on, brakes on.. The car is running empty..


Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Christmast Lights, Coldplay's New Song, release today!

This song will be in their new album which they hasn't named it yet. Because the season is Christmas, so they release it as their first single. Anyway, i love the piano intro part and Chris of course, he looks good in his outfit. ;) Enjoy!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Movie Review: Nowhere Boy

Because i'm a fan of Beatles, i bought this movie. Nowhere boy, John Lennon's childhood story. It's not a new release movie by the way, but i always love to watch it over and over again.

Kina Grannis!!

This is one of my fav "Youtube Star", Kina Grannis. Like the others, covering many songs but i'm kinda like this one. Love her voice and i think she's very loveable person. One of her best is in the Half of My Heart by John Mayer & Taylor Swift. And just couple months ago, she launched her first single also her first clip, Valentine. Very nice song, love it much! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Java Rockin'land 2010

Another free ticket yang saya dapatkan beberapa bulan belakangan ini. Sebenarnya sih, saya sudah sempat membeli tiket Jave Rockin'land (JRL) ini, cuma karena ada alasan ini dan itu pada akhirnya tiket tidak sampai di tangan saya. Tapi menonton konser itu ibarat jodoh, once sudah ditakdirkan menonton ujung-ujungnya ya berangkat juga.
Saya pergi pada hari kedua JRL, Sabtu, Oktober 2010. Sejak SD, sejak pertama kali Arkarna datang ke Indonesia dan saya tidak diperbolehkan nonton konsernya, saya bercita-cita kalau suatu hari Arkarna datang lagi  saya harus nonton. Meskipun Ollie tampak gendut (alasan tidak penting), overall performance mereka mendekati sempurna. Semua lagu favorit saya mereka bawakan, dari mulai Eat Me, Rehab, Life is Free, sampai So Little Time. Stereophonics juga lumayan, meskipun saya tidak terlalu suka mereka. Tapi malahan lagu kesukaan saya di album barunya, 100 mph, tidak dibawakan. Dashboard Confessional terlewatkan begitu saja karena saya baru sampai venue pun pukul sembilan. Nggak 'pa-'pa juga sih, untungnya saya tidak begitu suka..

Sunday, September 05, 2010

This is what i do when i'm bored.

I almost forget that times ago i had a daily routine, checking out some inspirational stuffs on my lookbook. So that's what i'm doing this morning. Look around, adore some of them, and of course i envy lot of things, as usual..

Ann - nice hat, nice top, nice skirt!

Leslie - casual, but she looks cool.

Nina - you're so rockin, sexy..

Yoshino - actually i love the photograph: those balloons, sand, beach, and see-through white mini dress. 

Ninjaintherun - i want that rabbit mask!

Juliett - what do you think about her shoes?

Zoe - craving for the pants? 

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Rapture Live in Jakarta: "If you wanna kiss somebody, kiss them now,"

..said Luke Jenner, the frontman of the Rapture when they're performed in Bengkel, last Friday. Well, apparently that somebody was not there with me that time. So, i dont really care what Luke's talking about and continuing my dance....

After our short dinner, me and my friend, Dolly, startin' try to enjoy the Monkey Millionare's performance. They have a good music i think, but there's just a few people, so i bet you could imagine how many clap hands right there. Actually i don't even know they'd be an opening band, i thought it would be Agrikulture and The Rapture only. Then, again, there's another opening act by Naif. Good one. I'm not a big fan of them, but i think they're so attractive and have a great new arrangement on their each song. The last opening band was Agrikulture. I know they're great, no need to talk much. I really like when they're collaborate with The Safari and Ras Muhammad. They absolutely can live it up the show.

About 9.30 PM finally the band form New York's on the stage! The Rapture! Gabriel is sooooo good at playing saxophone and percussion. And hell yeah, with their upbeat songs, the crowd's dancing all the way.. 

Photos by Dolly

Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm kinda heart a tattoo words or phrase with a deep meaning or certain language. Like this Megan's one. Arty!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hawa yang menanti.

Di sepertiga malam, di taman firdaus yang tak bernama, seorang Hawa duduk didepan gubuknya yang beratapkan jerami menguning. Matanya yang bulat tapi sudah begitu nanarnya tak pernah lepas dari hutan khuldi yang terhampar di seberang. Selalu begitu setiap malam, tak berbeda dengan malam-malam sebelumnya. Jika lelah memandangi hutan khuldi, maka mata Hawa akan berpaling ke langit malam yang penuh dengan sinar-sinar kecil. Ia terus melakukan itu sampai warna malam telah pudar. Sampai-sampai Hawa memberi nama ke semua titik sinar di langit.
Malam ini, Hawa yang berjalan perlahan keluar gubuk menaruh tubuhnya di atas tikar yang dirajut dari serabut ilalang yang banyak tumbuh di samping gubuknya.  Matanya kembali tertuju pada hutan khuldi di seberang. Air matanya mulai mengalir, perlahan lalu menjadi deras. Hawa tak kuasa menahan gulana di dadanya. Badannya berguncang diiringi dengan isak tangis yang begitu syahdu, di sepertiga malam. Sendiri. Hidupnya koma, jiwanya kosong. Kegelapan merangkulnya begitu lekat. Isak Hawa sudah mereda, namun tangisnya belum kunjung selesai. Hawa menangis tanpa suara. Matanya mensiratkan kepedihan yang mendalam.
Tiba-tiba seekor kunang-kunang terbang rendah mengitari Hawa. Dan menyapa Hawa.
“Selamat malam, Wahai Hawa.”
“Malam kunang-kunang kecil,”
“Kenapa wajahmu begitu sedih?”
“Aku menanti, Wahai kunang,”
“Apa yang kau nanti, Hawa?”
“Adamku, kunang,”
“Dimana dia?”
“Di dalam hutan khuldi,”
“Bukankah itu hutan terlarang, Wahai Hawa? Mengapa Ia kesana?”
“Ia tersesat..”
“Dan kau menunggu orang yang tersesat, Hawa?”
“Ya, kunang,”
“Bukankah kau tak tahu kapan Ia akan keluar? Hutan itu terlarang, Hawa. Kelak ribuan burung ababil akan menjatuhkan batu-batu api di hutan khuldi itu. Barang siapa yang masuk ke dalamnya niscaya bukanlah orang yang patut kau nanti, Ia pasti akan terbuai di dalam surga khuldi yang begitu fana. Jadi untuk apa kau menantinya, Hawa?”.
“Untuk menghidupkan hidupku kembali, kunang,”
“Apa maksudmu, Hawa?”
“Kunang, aku tidak cukup kuat untuk kesenangan dan manisnya kehidupan. Karena aku kosong. Aku ingin dapat terbang seperti dulu lagi, tapi bagaimana mungkin, sayap-sayapku telah patah.  Aku ingin merasakan cahaya mentari yang begitu kurindukan, dan itu juga tidak mungkin karena matahariku tidak disini,”
“Apakah dengan menanti Adam akan terhapus semua penderitaanmu Hawa?”
“Tentu saja tidak dengan menanti, kunang, tapi dengan datangnya Adam. Sebab dia yang akan mengajariku untuk mengerti manis dan indahnya hidup kembali. Ia yang akan menuangkan kasih di jiwaku yang kosong ini. Ia yang akan meminjamkanku sayap-sayapnya agar aku dapat terbang lagi. Dan Ia yang akan menyinari tapak jalanku dan mengusir kegelapan jauh-jauh dari kehidupanku,” Hawa berkata dengan nafas yang terburu-buru dan seketika tangisnya mulai pecah lagi.
“Sabarlah Wahai Hawa. Terangi jalannya dengan cintamu yang begitu besar, agar Ia perlahan dapat melangkah keluar dari hutan khuldi itu. Dendangkanlah tangismu seakan menjadi lagu syahdu sebagai pengantar tidurnya dan akan membangunkannya di pangkuanmu. Panggilah namanya di setiap kau menghela nafas, Wahai Hawa, niscaya dia akan mendengarnya dan merasakan hembusan nafasmu,”
Hawa menghapus air mata di wajahnya. Kemudian menangkap kunang-kunang kecil itu dan meletakkan di atas telapak tangannya yang berwarna pucat.
“Ya, kunang, aku akan melakukannya di setiap hela nafasku..”

teruntuk “Adamku” di luar sana..

I wrote this years ago. Thanks to Khalil Gibran for giving me inspiration.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Surprise in the morning.

I woke up this morning and doing my routines; checking email, look at my twitter's timeline, and bla bla bla. Then i remember about exhibition room in Coldplay official website. I submitted my painting about two weeks ago. Here's their rule, they pick one piece of art in every weekday. I'm hoping they would pick mine to go up on their homepage, but you know, everyone all over the world submitted their piece also, and i believe they much more talented or artful or skillful than me. So i'd forget about this. But when i go to Coldplay website this morning.. Surprise! I found mine on their homepage! It's 21.04.10 exhibit! Even they just will put it for few days, i'm super happy since i'm a huge fan of them. 
Anyway, i'd like to say thank you so much to the man in my painting. I'm not gonna tell much about that painting here, but one thing, i don't do painting unless the object has a meaning in my life. :)

Hello, Southernman!

This is one of Coffey Southernman or Coffey Anderson's Youtube videos. Being famous as a Youtube star, then he took a place in Nashville Star in 2008. I'm wondering and always looking for his youtube singles since two years ago (but i still can't find them!), because seriously, he's good in covering songs. Great improvisation, guitar skill, and i think he has nice personality. This Locked Up song is one of my favorite songs covered by Coffey. Just go to Youtube if you want more.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Music Review: Schuyler Fisk - The Good Stuff

I won't review album unless i found the good or fresh one. So here it is, Schuyler Fisk, American actress, singer and songwriter. I remember i watched her in one of One Tree Hill episode.  As a singer, this is her first album. Actually this album released over a year ago. I just remember i have this album after i'm hearing her song with her new pop band/duo, FM Radio, titled Be My Only on Ugly Betty -- seriously that's very beautiful song! And when i ask to some friends, they never  know about Schuyler Fisk. So, i'd love to share it. Well, i think You're Only Lonely, The Good Stuff, and You're Happening To Me are pretty good tracks. Nice music to accompany on your tiring day.

Rate: ★★★★

Hot Air Balloon!


I forgot to post about this one. This event called The 1st Indonesia Hot Air Balloon Adventure, in Sentul about couple weeks ago, if i'm not wrong a day before the KOC concert. This picture taken by my dear friend, Dolly. O, anyway, that girl on the left one is my bestie, Indah. Okay, i just want to say, yes, i love those balloons! So colorful..

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Book Review: A.M.S.A.T.

I am kind of late to review this novel, but people say late better than never. Released in Indonesia on October 2009 and i've bought it some months ago. Because i'm a huge fan of Syahmedi Dean, finally i finished this tetralogy story. Yes, you should read L.S.D.L.F. (Lontong Sayur Dalam Lembaran Fashion), J.P.V.F.K. (Jakarta Paris Via French Kiss), and P.G.D.P.C. (Pengantin Gypsy Dan Penipu Cinta) first. The story among Alif, Raisa, Didi, and Nisa who work in fashion magazines. It's about love, life, career, killer heels, and those fashion weeks. If you interesting in fashion stuff, you guys have to read it. 

Meet me, Oshin! :)

This is Oshin. One of my 4-year-old neighbour. Actually that was her first visit to my house. And the red one is Echa. That was her hundred visits to my house. We're close enough, she's like my younger sister. 
Well, i'm about excited to know this Oshin one. One word describe her: CLOWN. Seriously, she's soooo funny. In Indonesia there's kind of comedy called ngelenong, and this little girl seems like always doing that. LOL. Very energetic, polite, fun, smart, and brave. I don't know her real name. People call her Oshin because her slanting eyes. And one thing, she has very funny voice. I could laugh aloud even just for thinking about her. 
These two little girls love to play some games in my notebook, so i gave them the condition: i'd let them to play those games as long as they want to, but i want to take their photos before. They accepted it, even more than that. They're so enjoying the photo session and they forgot about the games. Hahahaha kiddie..

Friday, April 02, 2010


Killing time and suddenly have an idea to create something about geisha. Actually, it's not suddenly, i was thinking it will be great if i live in Japan. Then i'm thinking about Japan, sakura, sushi, kimono, Hokusai, great wave of Kanagawa, and.... geisha at the end. 
Tools: pencil, illustrator CS3

*A traditional female Japanese entertainers whose skills include performing various Japanese arts such as classical music and dance.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Postponing "a light" story.

A friend just asked me, where's the continuity from a light story that been published on this blog. Apparently, i can't continue it because it reminds me of a thing that i don't want to be in my head for a while. Sorry. I've to postpone it until i'm ready to write again. And i promise it won't take a long time. :)

Cheers, W.

Kings of Convenience Live in Ritz Carlton Jakarta 28.03.10.

Saya dan teman saya, Dolly, memasuki ballroom Ritz Carlton Pacific Place sekitar pukul enam malam. Dari situ sudah tercium penjagaan yang begitu ketat jika dibanding dengan konser-konser lain yang pernah saya datangi. Di gate pertama saja ada beberapa pengecekan, dari mulai cek karcis, cek tas, penceplokan stempel tanda masuk, kemudian lanjut dengan cek badan yang harus sampai angkat-angkat tangan segala. Ketika masuk antrian sudah lumayan panjang, kami berdua pun hanya bisa pasrah berada di urutan paling belakang. Tak lama kemudian, anehnya, well bukan aneh lagi, ini super duper aneh, seorang panitia perempuan teriak-teriak dengan memakai "urat" dengan perintah yang membuat seluruh orang  mengernyitkan dahi; "Antrian cewek dan cowok dipisah ya! Cowok ke sebelah sana sekarang!". Saya benar-benar tidak mengerti maksudnya dan tujuannya apa. Jadilah saya dan Dolly terpisah, dan lebih menyebalkannya lagi barisan cowok lebih di depan dekat pintu masuk ballroom. Kalau ini dimaksudkan agar tidak terjadi dorong-mendorong antara cewek dan cowok, just FYI ya, wanita kalau soal selak-menyelak lebih beringas daripada cowok. Kalau gak percaya, lihat saja di acara midnite sale atau sale apapun lah. Pasti mengerti. Sama seperti saya. Ternyata di bagian depan dekat barisan cowok ada pula antrian cewek, maka saya pura-pura menemui teman saya itu, saya yakin begitu pintu ballroom dibuka antrian pasti kacau balau tidak dua baris lagi dan saya bisa nyelip masuk ke dalam antrian. Pada akhirnya memang itulah yang terjadi, tepat seperti perkiraan saya. Bahkan saya bisa masuk jauh lebih dulu dibanding teman saya yang cowok. 
Acaranya sangat ngaret! Seharusnya sudah mulai pukul setengah tujuh malam, tapi baru mulai pukul delapan. Dibuka oleh Hollywood Nobody, band asal Bandung jebolan LA Lights Indie Fest yang mengusung genre indie-pop-bossanova. Menariknya, mereka mencover lagu Love Song milik The Cure dan itu menjadi single andalan mereka di album mereka yang akan launching 17 April besok. Cukup berani untuk sebuah band baru "mengambil" lagu populer yang mendunia, tapi menurut saya pribadi dengan balutan gaya bossanova, well done for them! White Shoes and The Couple Company yang giliran tampil berikutnya, dilanjutkan dengan Jens Lekman. I think Jens' performance isn't good enough, karena suara false terdengar dimana-mana. Ditambah he didn't bring the band, hanya seorang wanita yang memainkan perkusi seperti traditional drum, jadi menurut saya pertunjukkan menjadi kurang hidup. 
Akhirnya sekitar jam sepuluh lewat the main artist keluar juga. Saya begitu terpesona melihat ketampanan Eirik, meski dia terlihat agak letih karena sedang sakit. Kebetulan posisi saya lumayan dekat dengan panggung, tapi sayangnya agak di samping. Overall, performance mereka sangat rapi, dari segi vokal sangat baik, dan saya sangat terpesona dengan permainan gitar mereka. Saya kasih bintang lima! Sementara Eirik lebih terlihat kalem, Erlend lah yang begitu atraktif dengan penonton, ditambah gaya autisnya yang tak jarang mebuat penonton tertawa, but absolutely he's a very genius musician! 
Yang sangat disayangkan, hasil foto yang diambil oleh teman saya tidak begitu bagus. Ceritanya, digicam teman saya harus rela dititipkan di tempat penitipan barang, karena penjagaan yang super ketat itu tadi. Jadilah foto dan video menggunakan kamera ponsel ala kadarnya. Ketika konser sedang berlangsung seorang wanita pun ditegur dan diminta menitipkan kamera di luar ruangan karena ketahuan mengambil gambar dengan kamera digital. Agak heran sebenarnya kenapa para penonton tidak boleh mengambil gambar di kebanyakan konser, kan saya sudah bayar. Kalau kemudian para penonton diberikan dokumentasi gratis seperti misalnya disediakan faslitas mendownload foto-foto selama konser di suatu wadah, sih gak apa-apa! Tapi nyatanya kan tidak begitu. We just need to keep the memories, wahai promotor konser! Walau begitu, saya pulang dengan hati senang, karena konser KoC ini saya rasa merupakan salah satu konser yang dapat membuat saya tersenyum puas! ☺

Sunday, March 14, 2010


pic by winda

Already posted for this one actually, but in different title, color, tone, background, and this one isn't flipped vertically (see my previous post Flip the world vertical). I'm kinda like this B/W version, so i'd like to share it.