Monday, March 01, 2010

Hi, my name is Popolo!

This is Popolo.
Popolo is one of my monster i created yesterday. 02.00 AM - 02.05 AM in a paper, and 02.05 AM - 02.16 AM in photoshop for coloring him. So practically, he was born at 02.16 AM. Anyway, i have a hobby, create monster character. To create a monster, we don't give a shit to the shape, the proportion, the hand, the feet, or the balancing of left and right side. And it was a very long time ago when i wanna be a Mangaka. I was a total Manga lover years ago (well, i was a loyal buyer for Animonster Magazine anyway). But somehow, i forget about that Mangaka dream.

Back to Popolo. 
Why i named him Popolo, it sounds funny when you say a name with some similar vocals. O, o, and o. Popolo is a four years monster with a light green color over his body. His ears is at the top of his head. He has a unbalance-growth-disorder with his body part. That's why his left ear is longer than the right one. Popolo also having unability to express his feeling. Whatever feeling inside, he always has that big grin face. Even when he's crying! Popolo doesn't have feet, but he has a ROLLER FEET! Like a roller blade, Popolo has some rollers to moving on. But, because of that roller placed in par of his body, he just could move to the left or the right (like a crab, eh?). Popolo really loves a chocolate fudge ice cream and all kind of foods made from tuna. Popolo has an obsession to become a Superman, he's lying to everyone that he's a real Clark Kent, but who would believe him anyway?

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